Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


“Got any… You know… New Year’s resolutions… There yourself?”

anti smoking
I’m staying off the cigarettes, I tell him.

He stares into space. Time passes. Empires rise and fall. Species evolve and become extinct. Then he speaks.

“But you don’t smoke,” he replies. Deadpan. Read the rest of this article here.

January 14th, 2010.

3 Responses to ““Got any… You know… New Year’s resolutions… There yourself?””

  1. Eoin Says:

    I did but gave up six and a half years ago. Don’t think we’ve known each other that long have we??

  2. albinicus Says:

    are ya still off the booze (or did i miss a post)

  3. Eoin Says:

    No, I’m afraid after nine glorious weeks, the booze ban bit the dust when I had to do that standup comedy thing before Christmas. No way was I getting onstage sober.

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