Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Poses (2001)

One of the more impressive people I’ve ever interviewed.

July 27th, 2010.

10 Responses to “Poses (2001)”

  1. Alex Says:

    Have an enormous unrequited shameful crush on Rufus Wainwright. I tend to have many gay crushes. Probably one of the reasons I’m single…

  2. Conal Says:

    …because gay men are single a lot?

  3. Eoin Says:

    Alex is a girl, Conal.

  4. Conal Says:

    haha. ok

  5. Eoin Says:

    And sometimes… so are you.

  6. Conal Says:

    yeah but where’s the fetus gonna gestate

  7. Eoin Says:

    In a box.

  8. gueuleton Says:

    Who mentioned anything about fetus gestation or have I wandered into the wrong topic here?

  9. Eoin Says:

    I think we were both quoting from the Life of Brian:

  10. Alex Says:

    I should remember to post as Alexandra to avoid further confusion…

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