Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


“Readers will have to live without his thoughts on the the retirement of Micheal O’Muircheartaigh and the suspicious longevity of Fungi the Dolphin…”

It is a bright, clear morning in mid-September. Aidan Gillen’s battered BMW rattles along one of the bumpy backroads that snake across the sun-kissed Dingle peninsula. To our right stands Mount Brandon. Ahead, the Atlantic Ocean sparkles in a summer’s last hurrah. But the driver is ill-at-ease. I’m a journalist. He doesn’t like journalists. You can tell. Read the rest of this interview here.

August 7th, 2011.

6 Responses to ““Readers will have to live without his thoughts on the the retirement of Micheal O’Muircheartaigh and the suspicious longevity of Fungi the Dolphin…””

  1. sarah Says:

    Remember this the first time around, great interview.

  2. petelevitate Says:

    What a fucking weirdo.

  3. petelevitate Says:

    Good artice Eoin. What a fucking weirdo.

  4. Katherine Says:

    Interesting piece on Aidan Gillen. He’s married with two small children. I don’t think that was ever a secret.

  5. sharon Says:

    Why didn’t you ask about game of thrones? Its on HBO here in the states maybe not yet in Ireland.

  6. Eoin Says:

    @ Sharon – Interview was done last year I’m afraid, before that series came out.

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