Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge



Hell, yeah.

April 5th, 2009.

7 Responses to “STAY WITH ME (1972)”

  1. Matt Says:


  2. El Kid Says:

    I just hope sounds for saturday wasn’t a kids show

  3. Eddie Says:

    Must admit i never thought rod stewart was cool until i saw this

  4. ollie Says:

    I’m also contemplating the possibility that rod stewart is actually kind of badass (for the first time in my life)

  5. Peter81 Says:

    Rod Stewart was making great music back in them days — even his first few solo albums are very good.

    But its very hard to defend someone who’s been dreadfully shite a lot longer than they’ve been good.

    The 80’s was like a pastel coloured plague for guys like Stewart, McCartney, Wonder, John etc..

  6. Eoin Says:

    @ Peter81 – Yip, (to quote Sick Boy from Trainspotting) they get old and they cannae hack it any more. Beautifully fucking illustrated…

    P.S. To those unfamiliar with the faces, i should point out the young Ronnie Wood there on guitar.

  7. Daniel Says:

    “I know your name is rita cos your perfume’s smellin’ sweeta” – total non-sequitor or what

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