bad ass
Published: Mongrel Magazine, November 2007The Mongrel Guide to Being a Bad Ass
I’ll be honest, this is one of the most half-assed feature I’ve ever written. Mongrel ed Michael Freeman wanted me to write a feature entitled ‘Reasons to be Cheerful’. Mike was a great editor, one of the best I’ve ever had, but this was a misjudgement on a par with commissioning a ‘Live and Let Live Has Always Been My Philosophy’ op-ed from Pol Pot. Anyway, the ‘bad ass’ idea was kind of a last minute compromise. Read the rest of this article.
They behave exactly as they please without any fear of censure. They are found in every occupation and are drawn from every strata of society. But they answer only to themselves. They respect authority the way a baby respects a nappy. Yet, men applaud them and women desire them. Their number includes such luminaries as Theodore Roosevelt, Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, film maker Werner Herzog and that mountaineering guy who hacked off his own arm with a penknife.
So what makes a bad ass? Why do we revere them? And how do I become one? I decided to investigate. Read the rest of this entry »