Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

conor lenihan

Clicking Along The Ledge

my top 10 most popular stories of 2010

#10 Student Hack Bites Back (April 15th)
Funny story this. Student hack writes extremely flattering, but also totally made up, profile of me for student magazine. I publish said profile here, replete with sarcastic comments from myself and various associates. There is much rejoicing. Months later, student hack drops us a line protesting cruel treatment. I offer him right of reply. The rest is… acrimony. Read the rest of this entry »

Handsomest Mayoman contest went right down to The Wire

second series
This night last week I was on the lash in Dublin with Eddie, Buzz and Boo from the Hardy Bucks, celebrating RTE’s decision to commission a second series.* (And that’s before we even know if the first one is any good!) Two days later I was in Dingle, interviewing actor Aidan Gillen about his upcoming series Love/Hate. One of these encounters was wild, raucous and thoroughly enjoyable. The other was stilted and kinda awkward. You’ll have to guess. I’m not going to say. Read the rest of this entry »

Published: The Guardian CiF September 17 2010

Why did Ireland’s science minister agree to launch an anti-evolution book?

The decision, since reversed, by Ireland’s minister for science, Conor Lenihan, to speak at the launch of a book that condemns evolution as a hoax is a damning and depressing indictment of Irish politics. But not, perhaps, for the reason readers might expect. Read the rest of this article here.

Published: The Guardian CiF September 17 2010

Why did Ireland’s science minister agree to launch an anti-evolution book?

The decision, since reversed, by Ireland’s minister for science, Conor Lenihan, to speak at the launch of a book that condemns evolution as a hoax is a damning and depressing indictment of Irish politics. But not, perhaps, for the reason readers might expect. Read the rest of this entry »