Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

darragh mccausland

George Costanza’s Greatest Hits

1. “The Sea Was Angry That Day, My Friends” monologue (The Marine Biologist)
Jerry has set George up on a date. Since George is unemployed, Jerry (for some reason) has pretended that his friend is a marine biologist. During the date, George and his new love interest happen upon a beached whale. Earlier in the same episode, Kramer practices his drive by firing golf balls into the sea. Read the rest of this entry »

Astral Weeks (1968)

Myself and Darragh went on a bit of an auld gallivant in my sister’s car last weekend. This was one of the CDs in the receptacle. The words have been embedded in my brain since. I ain’t nuthin’ but a stranger in this world…

George Costanza’s Greatest Hits

1. “The Sea Was Angry That Day, My Friends” monologue (The Marine Biologist)
Jerry has set George up on a date. Since George is unemployed, Jerry (for some reason) has pretended that his friend is a marine biologist. During the date, George and his new love interest happen upon a beached whale. Earlier in the same episode, Kramer practices his drive by firing golf balls into the sea. Read the rest of this entry »