Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

gerry ryan

Clicking Along The Ledge

my top 10 most popular stories of 2010

#10 Student Hack Bites Back (April 15th)
Funny story this. Student hack writes extremely flattering, but also totally made up, profile of me for student magazine. I publish said profile here, replete with sarcastic comments from myself and various associates. There is much rejoicing. Months later, student hack drops us a line protesting cruel treatment. I offer him right of reply. The rest is… acrimony. Read the rest of this entry »

Never in the field of tabloid hackery has a reporter stooped so low for so little

Admittedly, I’ve seen sleazier tabloid stories in my time. (The Sunday Express’ Dunblane massacre survivors hit job is the absolute nadir.) But what’s really remarkable about this piece, by Irish Daily Mirror “showbiz” correspondent Paul Martin, is how low the reporter is willing to go for so very little. Read the rest of this entry »

This is Funny

fucking hipsters
How many hipsters does it take to fix a lightbulb? Read the rest of this entry »

In case you missed this last night…

Contender for greatest ever blog comment here.

Gerry Ryan: His Part in My Downfall

It is a laudable Irish custom not to speak ill of the recently deceased, and one which I sincerely hope I’m not in breach of here. Read the rest of this entry »


Turned on the television tonight (well, after someone texted me) to see one of my all time comedy heroes (see here, here and here) sitting down for a friendly chin wag with a man who ritually humiliated me on national television when I was ten years (definitely see here.)

There was an element of cognitive dissonance to it, I suppose. It was like walking in to your local to find Stephen Malkmus jamming onstage with Aslan. Read the rest of this entry »


Recently, I received an interesting email concerning my interview with Dr Latif Yahia, a.k.a. “Saddam’s son”, the controversial, Irish-based Iraqi exile fêted by RTE, BBC, CNN and Fox News. It comes from his ex-wife. “Hi Eoin, just had a read of your blog – very funny!” she writes. “I read your article with ‘Dr’ Latif Yahia and I’d just like to say fair play to you for seeing right through him. Let me point out a couple of things…” Read the rest of this entry »


gerry-ryan1 Okay, I don’t know if anyone seriously considers Gerry Ryan a likely contender to take over from Pat Kenny on the Late Late. But the possibility (however remote) is excuse enough for me to get this story off my chest. It dates back to a 1990 episode of the television programme School Around the Corner. And it’s about time I shared it with the class… Read the rest of this entry »