Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


This is Funny

fucking hipsters
How many hipsters does it take to fix a lightbulb? Read the rest of this entry »

SXSW: dispatches from the frontline

Day began @ 6.30 in the AM when a 30-piece Mariachi band in full regalia performed a surprise gig in my hotel bedroom. Advance warning would have been nice, but the set certainly created some buzz in the adjoining rooms and corridor. Read the rest of this entry »


voodoo child
I’m think Lola might be turning into one of those hipster babies you read about. Seriously. The vintage baby-grows were the first hint. Also I’ve been trying to get into Animal Collective for about eight years now to no avail. She hears them on my iPod for ten seconds and she’s nodding along and playing air sampler or whatever. Now she’s enrolled in a crèche right next door to, well, I’m not going to say which bar. But if she starts hanging out with Maser, that’s the last straw. Read the rest of this entry »


How many hipsters does it take to fix a lightbulb? Read the rest of this entry »