Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

jack kerouac

Blog, blog, bloggin’ on heaven’s door

Blogging 101: some unsolicited advice for Bob Dylan

The blogosphere welcomes… Bob Dylan. On Friday the singer posted this short message on bobdylan.com. It’s the first time he has communicated directly with his fans online. This may not seem like front page news to a lot of people. But to those of us who find the idea of Dylan interacting with a computer – or doing just about anything, really – endlessly fascinating, it’s still a big deal. Read the rest of this entry »

America (1956)

This is a recording of Allen Ginsberg reading his poem America (from ‘Howl’), set to Tom Waits’ Closing Time instrumental, which is itself taken from the latter’s 1973 debut album. If that’s not confusing enough, the track is illustrated for this YouTube treatment with photographs of Jack Kerouac. I’ve no idea why. Read the rest of this entry »

“The great image of God, with forefinger pointed straight at me…”

From the Tonight Show in 1959. Kerouac was too nervous to do a straight interview, so host Steve Allen asked the writer to do a reading, while he accompanied him on jazz piano. That same show today, incidentally, is hosted by Jay Leno.

Competition time!

Oscar-nominated British actress KEIRA KNIGHTLY and Irish gardening legend GERRY DALY have teamed up to launch their own chain of 24-hour convenience stores across Britain and Ireland. But first they want YOU to come up with a snappy name for their new venture. “Keira and I have been racking our brains,” admitted a frustrated Gerry. “Ideally, we’re looking for something that (a) cashes in on our celebrity names and (b) also reminds customers about our late, late opening hours.” Read the rest of this entry »

AMERICA (1956)

This is a recording of Allen Ginsberg reading his poem America (from ‘Howl’), set to Tom Waits’ Closing Time instrumental, which is itself taken from the latter’s 1973 debut album. If that’s not confusing enough, the track is illustrated for this YouTube treatment with photographs of Jack Kerouac. I’ve no idea why. Read the rest of this entry »


AMERICA (1956)

No idea who did this. It’s a recording of Allen Ginsberg reading America (from ‘Howl’), set to Tom Waits’ Closing Time instrumental, from the latter’s 1973 debut album. If that’s not confusing enough, the track is illustrated for this YouTube treatment with photographs of Jack Kerouac. Read the rest of this entry »