Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

joe coleman


Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza
1. Yeah, I’d have a few ideas where they could put that thing… Papal envoy denies showing contempt for inquiry.

2. Knock pilgrim reports serious retina damage resulted from staring directly into sun, seeks counsel from man who advocated staring directly into the sun… Read the rest of this entry »


1. Holy stampede, Batman… Foolish people behaving foolishly in Knock (skip to 6min 15sec), where the real Mary definitely, definitely appeared in similar circumstances in 1879.

2. Anti-gay marriage Miss California explains why Jesus would undoubtedly have approved of fake boobs if they’d been around in his day. Read the rest of this entry »


Live-blogging the Apparition...

At three o’clock tomorrow today all eyes turn to Knock, where Our Lady is scheduled to make her second appearance in three weeks. Is she going to show up? And, if she does, can it possibly beat the excitement of October 11th, when a bunch of people who’d spent several minutes staring directly at the sun reported observing unusual visual phenomena in the sky above the church yard? Read the rest of this entry »