Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

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Google Street View London went live yesterday. To celebrate, I’m bringing you this exclusive bird’s eye view of the private residence of one of Ireland’s greatest ever exports. Not to overstate the case or anything, but I’d rate him the best man in the country, and the master of all men when it comes to fighting. Read the rest of this entry »

Obama’s pick for Irish ambassador meets with opposition from an unexpected quarter

dan-rooneyYesterday, Barack Obama announced the appointment of Dan Rooney as the next US ambassador to Ireland. In his speech, Obama cited Rooney’s longstanding support for Irish-American charitable causes. Now, normally, this would be a move-along-nothing-to-see-here story. Except that Dan Rooney’s nomination was today sensationally opposed by these two outspoken young gentlemen… Read the rest of this entry »