Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

karl spain

Karl Spain Wants to Eat a Woman*

Been getting a bit of flack over my interview with comedian Karl Spain in last Saturday’s Irish Times last summer. “So mean to poor Karl Spain,” says one of his distraught fans. “He’s a lovely guy.” My friend Mark takes the opposite view. “Jesus, Butler,” he writes. “You could have gotten away with calling Karl Spain fat a few more times… ‘Fat-faced funnyman Karl Spain’… ‘Karl Spain Wants to Eat a Woman’… Something subtle like that…” For the record, there was no offense intended or, I hope, taken. Besides, Karl Spain is big enough to stand up for himself. Ba dum kssht. (*allegedly)

You can read the interview here.

Published: Irish Times, May 23 2009


karl_jokebookEOIN BUTLER talks to super-sized comic Karl Spain

Everyone remembers the ‘Karl Spain Wants a Woman’ programme. Would it be fair to describe you as Ireland’s answer to Flavor Flav?
No, I’m Ireland’s guy that everyone shouts “Hey, did you find yourself a woman yet?” at on the street. I actually met my girlfriend Rachel through that show and we’re still together after three and a half years. We were having dinner the other night and it came on Sky News that Katie Price and Peter Andre had broken up after three and a half years. So we were laughing – we’ve outlasted Peter and Jordan! What were the odds?

That’s amazing, so you did a show called ‘Karl Spain Wants a Woman’ and you actually got a woman out of it? Why didn’t you do a follow-up, like, ‘Karl Spain Wants a Bungalow and a Flat-Screen TV’?
Well, it’s funny you should mention bungalows, because there was some talk of doing a series in which I would try and buy a house. But nothing came of it. I still joke with Rachel that she cost me a second series of Karl Spain Wants a Woman . Read the rest of this entry »