Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

leaving cert grinds

Those last minute Leaving Cert revision tips in brief…

The countdown to the Leaving Cert is almost at an end. A month from now, when 138,000 nervous students sit down for their first examination, they’ll know their chances of securing a university place, well-paid job, desirable home, attractive sexual partner and prospects of siring anything other than ugly, unintelligent children rest entirely on how they perform in the weeks ahead. Read the rest of this article.

Those last minute Leaving Cert revision tips in brief…

examThe countdown to Leaving Cert 2010 is almost at an end. When 138,000 nervous students sit down for their first examination at 9.30pm on June 6th, they’ll know their chances of securing a coveted university place, well-paid job, desirable home, attractive sexual partner and prospect of siring anything other than ugly, unintelligent children depend entirely on how they perform in the weeks ahead. Read the rest of this article.