mary harney
Are Fianna Fail scuppering their own recovery by denying us our Portillo moment?
It looks like game over. The most successful political party in the history of the state is virtually an ex-parrot. But it would be rash to go writing Fianna Fail’s obituary just yet. Today’s polls show party support steady at about 15%. Considering our present predicament, that suggests one-seventh of the electorate would vote Fianna Fail even if the local candidate were standing at their front door with an axe in his hand and a murderous twinkle in his eye.
From here, really, the only way is up. Read the rest of this entry »
One way around there, folks, one way around.
Your most uncharitable captions, please. Disclaimer: I may alter this post at a later date to make it appear as though you people just started leaving mean comments on here for no reason. Them’s the risks you take, motherfuckers. Them’s the risks you take.