Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

michael freeman

I’d like to thank the (Royal Irish) Academy…

book launch
I was flattered to be included in Penguin’s collection of Great Irish Reportage, published last week. Not that you’d guess so from the above picture.

I had been trying to appear casual at the launch. As though my writing gets included in anthologies alongside Flann O’Brien, Fintan O’Toole and Conor Cruise O’Brien all the time, and I wasn’t particularly phased.

So one of my sisters taking flash photographs kinda risked botching that whole operation.

The piece selected, For God & St. Patrick, originally appeared in Mongrel magazine in September 2007. It’s about religious observance in Co. Mayo. If you have a minute, I’d like to relate a little (EDIT: actually a long bit) about how that article came about. Read the rest of this entry »


Well, someone’s certainly put some pep in this college’s step! (Needs sound.) With thanks to my friend Michael Freeman who may, or may not, be weighing up a career in veterinary office management…