Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

Mumblin’ Deaf Ro

The problem with pop music is that it’s stuck in the mindset of a twenty-something male….

mumblin deaf ro cropped
…Vague existential angst, a bit of woman trouble and that’s usually it. Pop’s never really matured, or broadened, the same way as cinema or literature. If you go into a bookshop and take five books off the shelf, or go to the cinema and choose five films, they could be about almost anything. Whereas if you pick five albums at random that’s not likely to be the case. Read the rest of this article here.

Published: Mongrel Magazine, December 2007


Straight talkin’ with Mumblin’ Deaf Ro

mumblin deaf roMumblin’ Deaf Ro is a bona fide cult hero. Reedy voiced and unassuming, the Dubliner has penned some of the most startling and original lyrics you’re likely to hear. Songs about amorous mental patients, doomed boxers and disillusioned monks. To date he has released just two (self-produced, home-recorded) albums: 2003’s Senor, My Friend and this year’s follow-up The Herring & The Brine. He plans to record just one more album. So should we be expecting it around 2011, I inquire? “Oh no” he laughs. “It works on a kind of logarithmic scale. So it’ll probably be more like 2015.”
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