Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

noel hunt

In which I Google my own name

Of course, it’s not something you should do too often. And when you must, it’s not something you should publicly admit to. But what the hell? Last time I googled the words “Eoin Butler”, I discovered that my friend and I were listed as problem tenants on a website called LandlordSolutions.ie. (Our crime? Taking a case to the PRTB four years ago, which had ruled 100% in our favour.)

I managed to get our names removed, but not without using (for the first and only time in my life) the utterly cringesome phrase “I write for the Irish Times, you know.” Time before that, I discovered that I’m reviled within the Ultimate Frisbee community. Which caused me to soil myself pretty badly, as you can imagine. So this is a task I approach with no little trepidation.

But fuck it, I’m bored. So here goes nothing… Read the rest of this entry »