Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

Sigmund Freud

Published: The Dubliner, April 2010

“I feel a bit like Ian Paisley, after a night on the sauce, awoken to find I’m hosting a cake sale for the Legion of Mary…”

Great journeys are often embarked upon unknowingly, and completed in tiny, imperceptible increments. It isn’t until we step back sometimes, that we are even aware of the unexpected turns our lives have taken. The selfish prima donna has become a devoted spouse or parent; the wide-eyed optimist a battle-hardened cynic; and the biggest, most diehard culchie is suddenly writing a column for The Dubliner magazine. Read the rest of this entry »

Just Call Me Betty

Tell me if this is weird or not… A week on, Crystal Swing’s raunchy He Drinks Tequila is still playing on a constant rotation in my head. Stranger still, when I hum the song to myself, and it comes to the ‘And just call me baby’ line… for some reason I keep singing ‘And just call me Betty.’ Even though I know those aren’t the words. Read into that what you will, Mr Freud! Read the rest of this entry »