Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

the sugar club

“I’m not necessarily making the comparison, but don’t Page 3 models usually say the same thing…?”


    I’m sure they do and I’m sure they enjoy what they do, otherwise they wouldn’t do it. But their work is primarily oriented to a male audience and it’s done to elicit a sexual response. Burlesque is all about the trimmings, the sets, the costumes, the storyline. It’s about feeling sexy, but also showing the personality behind it.Read the rest of this article here.

    Published: The Dubliner, July 2010

    Christ, I look like Marcus Sweeney from the eyebrows up!

    ricks burgers
    Urgh. The state of me… Last weekend I went camping with some friends near Newport in Co. Mayo. It was a glorious weekend, so the lads took the precaution of dousing themselves in sun cream. Being freckled, red haired and balding though, I kinda figured I needn’t bother.

    It wasn’t until I got back to Dublin that I began to reconsider. I was pretty red.But it could easily get much worse. Believe me, if there’s one thing stupider than a beetroot-coloured bald man, it’s a beetroot-coloured bald man with a peeling scalp. I dropped by my local chemist and purchased a bottle of aftersun lotion… Or at least, I thought it was aftersun lotion. Read the rest of this entry »

    “I’m not necessarily making the comparison, but don’t Page 3 models usually say the same thing…?”


      Moving house today, I found an old magazine under my bed containing an interview I’d forgotten ever conducting. She was in costume when we did the interview… And yeah, I copped a peek. Read the rest of this article here.