Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

we did it

What begins as a few isolated titters soon swells….

…with the help of a few nudges and discreet whispers, until soon the entire room is convulsed with laughter. Read the rest of this article here.

For the first time in living memory, the office becomes a hive of activity…

Expensive fragrances waft through the corridors. Hemlines rise inexoribly. In one corner of the office there appears to be an orange make-up death match underway – it’s like there’s a team of Oompa-Loompas suddenly pitching in! Read the rest of this article here.


or how we did it

Productivity has bottomed out. Our department is now so far behind on processing claims that the clients who made the claims in the first place have now forgotten ever doing so. Coming up with the goods at this remove only seems to annoy them further. Doing nothing actually makes more sense. Read the rest of this article here.

Published: Mongrel Magazine, February 2005

Admin Blues

or how we did it

Productivity has bottomed out. Our department is now so far behind on processing claims that the clients who made the claims in the first place have forgotten ever doing so. Coming up with the goods at this remove only seems to annoy them further. Doing nothing actually seems the more prudent course of action. Read the rest of this entry »