Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge



Eddie Goggins
A bowl of corn flakes. Two slices of brown toast with margarine and honey… If someone had asked me on the tarmac what I ate for breakfast this morning, I doubt I’d have been able to recall. Hurling through a bank of clouds at 250 miles per hour upside down, however, I can recount every tiny detail, from the brand name of the margarine, to the expiration date on the milk… Read the rest of this article.

November 6th, 2009.

2 Responses to “A CUP OF TEA…”

  1. sarah Says:

    Not a chance in hell I would have gone up in that thing. Did you know about his accident already when you did?

  2. Eoin Says:

    @ Sarah – yeah, I knew about the accident but wasn’t worried, just nauseous.

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