Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge



You’ve probably seen it before but, what the hell, it’s worth watching again. Issues satirises Marvin Gaye’s What’s Goin’ On album pretty much in its entirety – which in itself is kinda funny, because that album was recorded 39 years ago and this is (ostensibly at least) a song about current issues. The ironing, needless to say, is delicious.

November 12th, 2009.

7 Responses to “THIS IS FUNNY”

  1. golden graham Says:

    One of my favouerite of there’s. Brilliant!

  2. DD Says:

    Love this song. Didn’t know it was based on a Marvin Gaye album though.

  3. han shan Says:

    Loved the first series of their show. Anyone know if the second is any good? ( haven’t seen it yet but considering downloading it)

  4. Eoin Says:

    @ DD – well that’s just my interpretation, but it is reminiscent of several songs on that album – What’s Happening Brother, Inner City Blues, Mercy Mercy Me etc.

  5. Eoin Says:

    @ Han Shan – sorry haven’t seen it either. Thought the first series was a little hit and miss.

  6. niamh Says:

    Had this line stuck in my head all day.

    A man is lying in the street some punk has chopped off his head and I’m the only one who looks to see if heeeeeee’s dead…. Lol!

  7. Eoin Says:

    My favourite is “What’s wrong with the world today *mutter*mutter*mutter…”

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