Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

george w bush

Published: Mongrel magazine, August 2006

Introduction to the ‘Revenge’ issue

“An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world is blind”
Mahatma Gandhi, The Story of My Experiments With Truth (1929)

“Somewhere… somehow… someone’s gonna pay!”
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Commando (1985)

ON JULY 12, Hizbollah ambushed an Israeli army unit on the Israeli-Lebanese border. Three I.D.F. soldiers were killed and two captured. In retaliation, the Israelis launched a devastating month-long assault on southern Lebanon that killed hundreds and left much of the country’s infrastructure in ruins. As the region knuckled down for yet another bloody round of reprisal and counter-reprisal, the New York Times asked Harvard Professor Daniel Gilbert to explain the psychology that fuels such protracted strife. (He Who Cast The First Stone Probably Didn’t, July 24.) Read the rest of this entry »


Two American presidents caught talking off the record this evening. What George W. Bush really thinks about John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin here. What Barack Obama really thinks of Kanye West here. And how Bill Clinton wanted Al Gore to make Hillary his 2000 running mate here.