Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge


Are you there God? It’s me, Kaka

Look I’ve got to be honest here, folks. I’ve got football fever. I’ve got World Cup mania. Seriously, I’m laid up with a bad case of soccer conjunctivitis here. Whatever way you spin it, the fact is I’m writing this week’s column with my laptop perched on my knees, the television blaring and I’m not even going to pretend otherwi… THAT WAS A MILE OFFSIDE, REF. ARE YOU BLIND!? Read the rest of this entry »

Los Ballyhaunis Galácticos [Updated]

Flying out to Madrid this afternoon. There’s intense speculation I’m being offered a multimillion euro contract to link up with Ronalda and Kaka at the Bernabéu. I can neither confirm nor deny these rumours. There may also be rumours that I’m actually going on a pretty tame weekend break with my mother. Again, I can neither confirm nor deny those rumours. (Sufficed to say, if its anything like our Roman jolly in October, well, I’m in for a rollercoaster ride. Of Mass.) Read the rest of this entry »


kakaIt’s 4.30am, Wednesday. I’m up late finishing a couple of things off. Yeah, those bitches had to die… No, seriously. I was finishing up some articles I’m working on. It’s pretty much bright outside now and it’s still not entirely clear where God-loving Brazilian international Kaka is going to be playing his football next season. Read the rest of this entry »