larry murphy
If hating Larry Murphy is wrong, doesn’t want to be right
Anyone else get the feeling they’re not big fans of Larry Murphy over at Might be worth dialling it back just a notch, lads… Read the rest of this entry »
This enormous woman will devour us all.
Screw it, I’m going to the airport anyway. I’m off on holidays. Proper holidays this time. If you hear from me between now and September, I’m a sad, sad loser. In the mean time, if you haven’t visited this site in the last few weeks, this article is probably the funniest one you missed. (But you have to read the comments too.) This one is the most freakishly popular. (Ditto.) And this one actually caused someone I know in real life to come on and tell me I’m a wanker. (Ditto.) Read the rest of this entry »