Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

robert de niro

The Pokemon Directive

Back in Ballyhaunis – and broadband (hurrah!) – for the weekend. Finally, catching up on last week’s De Niro-starring episode of SNL. It was patchy as these things are, but I did really enjoy the host’s turn as Robert Ludlum-esque thriller writer Harlan Kane. The full, ever-more-ridiculously titled bibilography in full after the jump: Read the rest of this entry »


godsendOkay this story freaks the shit out of me. A ten year old girl who died in a car crash is about to be brought back to life by controversial fertility expert Panayiotis Zavos. The American doctor froze some of the girl’s blood cells after her death in August, 2002, and combined them with cow eggs to create a human-animal hybrid embryo.

Forget the thorny moral issues. People should be a lot more concerned about potential creepy child issues…