Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

the ticket

Published: Irish Times, May 1 2009

Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before…

morrissey“It’s like a cross between going back to university and joining a religious cult,” reckons Steve Berry from Hertfordshire, as he surveys the scene. I’d have said a “rockabilly Star Trek convention” myself, but we won’t split hairs. Read the rest of this article here.

Fiddy or Gogarty?

A few people on one of the threads below (and on Twitter) were asking about table quiz questions from last night. Here (if this works) are the two visual rounds. Have a go at guessing if you like, the questions are at the end. The blurb missing from the Fiddy or Gogarty round reads: Read the rest of this entry »

Just a friendly reminder…

Actually, the quiz is fully booked out so if you haven’t already entered: tough shit. But if you have, it’s on tomorrow (Wednesday) night. If you haven’t, sure come along anyway and hang out with me. I’ll probably be bored.

Table quiz. Be there.

With consecutive victories at the Flat Lake Festival and Young Munster table quizzes fresh under my belt, The Ticket knew there was only one way to stop me completing the hat trick. (Click the image above to see it full size.) Quiz takes place in the Mercantile on Wednesday, November 3rd at 7.30pm. All proceeds go to ReachOut, an online youth mental health service.

P.S. Half an hour prior to the quiz, I’ll be auctioning off a full answer sheet, with all proceeds going to the Eoin Butler Benevolent Fund. (I kid, I kid…)

Stop me if you think that you’ve heard this one before

morrissey“It’s like a cross between going back to university and joining a religious cult,” reckons Steve Berry from Hertfordshire, as he surveys the scene. I’d have said a “rockabilly Star Trek convention” myself, but we won’t split hairs. Read the rest of this article here.


I’m off now to the University of Limerick for Songs That Saved Your Life – A Two Day Symposium on Morrissey, which I’ll be writing about for The Ticket. Some of the scintillating lecture topics include Because I’ve Only Got Two Hands: Western Art Undercurrents in the Gestures and Poses of Morrissey and On The Problems of Being ‘Just Blindly Loved’: The Rhetoric of Fanaticism at Morrissey-Solo.com. (Yeah, cos those guys take the whole Morrissey thing waaay too seriously…)

I don’t know about you, but it sounds like fun, fun, fun to me!!!