Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

david norris

Clicking along the ledge

my top 5 most popular stories of 2011

#5 David Norris would make a terrible, terrible president (June 10th)
Just because you like someone, and just because their election would generate positive press coverage for your country the world over, it does not make them that person a good – or even remotely suitable – candidate for high office. This blog was a fraction ahead of the curve on that one, I like to think. Read the rest of this entry »

David Norris would make a terrible, terrible president

Being president of Ireland is a bit like playing in goal for Barcelona. There isn’t much to do most of the time. But when there is, it’s rather important not to fuck it up. The presidency of Mary McAleese has been exemplary in that respect. She’s been in the job fourteen years. Off the top of my head, I can recall only two things she did in all that time.

In the wake of September 11th 2001, she conveyed Ireland’s heartfelt sympathy to the United States, while also (gently) advocating a restrained, proportionate response to the attacks. Ten years later, during a visit by the British monarch, she delivered one note-perfect speech, and four heroic days of inane chit-chat, on the nation’s behalf. Read the rest of this entry »

David Norris presidential campaign: photo-op latest

Shiney happy Norris
Say what you like about him, he is a man of many talents: Senator. Scholar. Indie-rocker.