eoin butler blog
“I’m loving these numbers”
New figures published this week show this magazine’s circulation holding steady at 36,898, down slightly on 36,938 last quarter. But when seasonal and other miscellaneous factors are allowed for, that amounts to an impressive 5,924,094 readers per month – an exceptionally strong performance in a country of just over four million people. (The balance is thought to be made up by immigrants and undercover al-Qaida operatives entering this jurisdiction illegally in order to read the trendy magazine.) Read the rest of this entry »
Wayne Coyne Battles the Bad Buzz Robots
Electric Picnic 2005. I had only a couple of minutes notice I’d be talking to Wayne Coyne. No time to prepare questions. So I got to thinking, you know, the guy is always so insanely happy. Wouldn’t it be funny if I just tried to depress the shit out of him. So I tried. Did it work? Well… Read the rest of this article here.
Walking the Cow (1983)
Comment mutiny: swarm, swarm, swarm…
Apologies for not updating as often as I’ve have liked this week. I’ve been doing some top secret consultancy work for the government. We’re creating an elite mobile fighting unit to be deployed against the citizenry as the country goes down the toilet. I really can’t say any more than that. Rob and David – happy now?
Are these the greatest consecutive tweets ever?
I must admit, I’m belatedly warming to Twitter. One guy who followed me on there (so I reciprocated) posted this the other night. He followed that shortly afterward with this… Read the rest of this entry »
That experimental, all-sarcasm McFadden smackdown again
This article dates from my time as music columnist for Village magazine. My brief there was basically to write a column about alternative music that would appeal to people who didn’t care about alternative music. That proved somewhat of a challenge.
Someone (possibly Larry Ryan) challenged me to write a column that was completely sarcastic from start to finish and have it published. I succeeded, although my enthusiasm for the project clearly waned midway through. The last two paragraphs are copied almost verbatum from Westlife fansites. Read the rest of this article here.
Tripping Along the Ledge: Still Vertical After All These Year
Tripping Along the Ledge is one today. Now personally, I don’t celebrate birthdays. I consider them kinda effeminate. But this my website’s birthday we’re talking about. And a one-year-old website is kinda like a child. And well, fuck it, I can’t think of anything else to write about today. (Shit, the anniversary isn’t even really until Sunday!)
So what the hell… Read the rest of this entry »
I Know It’s Over (1986)
Album filler turned live tour de force. Very specially for Colin!
This is Funny
Doctor: You have a lettuce leaf growing out of your arse.
Patient: Jesus Christ. Is this serious? Read the rest of this entry »