Eoin Butler: writer, journalist and Mayoman of the Year

Tripping Along The Ledge

this is funny

“I’m loving these numbers”

MRBI Poll: Magazine Posts Major Readership Gains

New figures published this week show this magazine’s circulation holding steady at 36,898, down slightly on 36,938 last quarter. But when seasonal and other miscellaneous factors are allowed for, that amounts to an impressive 5,924,094 readers per month – an exceptionally strong performance in a country of just over four million people. (The balance is thought to be made up by immigrants and undercover al-Qaida operatives entering this jurisdiction illegally in order to read the trendy magazine.) Read the rest of this entry »

This is funny


This is funny

This is from a few years back, starring Jerry Seinfeld as himself and Patrick Warburton (who played David Puddy on the show) as the voice of Superman. Yes, it’s an American Express ad, but it’s rather amusing all the same. Part two is after the jump… Read the rest of this entry »

This is funny

Forget this year’s boring Oscars, one of my all time favourite awards show moments is this clip of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert presenting an award at the Emmys, circa 2006. Requires no intro really. Also that year’s host Conan O’Brien did an intro bit that was pretty fuppin’ hilarious.

The Pokemon Directive

Back in Ballyhaunis – and broadband (hurrah!) – for the weekend. Finally, catching up on last week’s De Niro-starring episode of SNL. It was patchy as these things are, but I did really enjoy the host’s turn as Robert Ludlum-esque thriller writer Harlan Kane. The full, ever-more-ridiculously titled bibilography in full after the jump: Read the rest of this entry »

This is funny

My new aftershave smells like breadcrumbs. Read the rest of this entry »

This is funny

Some Larry David stand-up from about ten years ago. I particularly love the bit where he speculates about cowboys in the Wild West using call-screening to avoid going out on posses.

Ringo, do the face!

This is funny

I could watch this a thousand times. Norm + Conan = Comedy Gold.

This is funny

Seriously, I might have to go to hospital if I watch this again. (Via Phlaimeaux.)